
151 Stories on the Trail of the Czech Republic

In her previous books, Lucie described the beauty of European trails and a demanding Pacific ridge .... Lucie
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 30342
EAN: 9788024287553
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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Lucie in her previous books described the beauty of European trails and a demanding Pacific ridge. This time, however, it focused on something we have much closer. On the trail of the Czech Republic.
Let's go through our beautiful republic and enjoy over 2000 km along Czech hills and picturesque villages. Lucie is the terror of the street and on her journeys there is never a crisis situation, but she usually can solve with humor she is not alien. You will see how many loving people on the way of Lucie meet and who will meet everything.
Her biggest partner - Siberian Husky Marvel - sets out on the way with Lucie. But he won't be the only one to join her. Is a brother to chat again, who hates pedaling up the hills? Will friends come with children? Will a 12 -year -old girl join everyone who wipes everyone's eyes? Will the partner miss more or after Marvel? Will Marvel's father come? A friend who loves climbing and hates walking? A friend with another Husky? Random passers -by of the lecture? Guru of Love?
Marvel: It doesn't matter where we go, especially that my mother has pockets full of cocoins. For that, I usually let her sleep in my tent and on my mat. In my sleeping bag. And Honza always misses me more.

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