
10 mushrooms - how to find and determine the most common species

Author: Schneider Christine, Schuster Gerhard, Format: 113x190mm Number of pages: 96 Binding: Fixed Manufacturer: Mladá fronta Edition Year: 2019
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159 Kč (6,63 €)
List price: 199 Kč (8,29 €)
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List Number: 16086
EAN: 9788020451484
Manufacturer:Mladá fr
Price excluding VAT:159,20 Kč (6,63 €)
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If you do not know in mushrooms at all and do not know which you can collect and which you should avoid, the manual will serve you great for basic orientation.
It will provide you with indispensable information that makes you boast a basket full of handmade mushrooms or foxes.
It contains a description of ten fungi, which you find most often in nature, including the time and place of occurrence. It states exactly what the individual parts of the mushroom should look like, but at the same time it warns what they should not look like and what to be careful about collecting mushrooms.
Determination of mushrooms makes it easier for a detailed description accompanied by illustrative photographs of whole mushrooms and interchangeable parts. The authors also give advice on how to collect mushrooms or how to prepare them as silently as possible.

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