
And then there was no one left

A sophisticated connection of seemingly innocent puns with a murder plot, brought to an unsurpassed peak:Agatha Christie
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207 Kč (8,63 €)
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List Number: 26178
EAN: 9788024277530
Price excluding VAT:207,20 Kč (8,63 €)
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sophisticated combination of seemingly innocent puns with a murder plot, brought to an unsurpassed peak: detective story Agatha Christie from 1939, published in Czech so far under the title of ten small blacks, is published in a new translation and with the new name. Several guests come to the modern mansion on the lone island. At dinner, they learn a terrifying truth about why they were invited here: Dozens of present, including the servant and cooks, should stand here in front of the face of justice. And she charges them with them - day after day, a figure in the dining room will drop and with it the life of a accused. No one else on the island. So one of them is murdered ...

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