
The lost peaks

The book on climbing tragedies is sad.J. Duffack
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295 Kč (12,29 €)
List price: 369 Kč (15,38 €)
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List Number: 25852
EAN: 9788020619600
Manufacturer:Naše vojsko
Price excluding VAT:295,20 Kč (12,30 €)
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The book on climbing tragedies is sad. It shows the exposed, unsuccessful actors with which no one wants to identify. We can only regret them selfishly, and we do not realize the fact that the climbing fall is identical to the individual fall somewhere on the plane or in another place. We are not only strong by what success we achieve, but also how we can overcome failure or defeat. A climber cannot deter absolutely anything from their perception of the world. The joy of a free adventure is not only a source of lessons, but also self -realization, just as it is for philatelist with the greatest happiness to get the signs for their collection, the collection. The book you take into your hands is not a book of joy, happiness of the joyful feeling of a climber that he finally managed to get to the top and happily return home, where he could acquaint with his story a wide range of listeners or spectators. It's a book about death…

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