
Crimes without honor

How can we defend the murder of honor?Lene Wold
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223 Kč (9,29 €)
List price: 279 Kč (11,63 €)
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List Number: 16810
EAN: 9788024938974
Price excluding VAT:223,20 Kč (9,30 €)
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How can you defend the murder of honor? This question introduced the author deep into the Jordanian culture, to the prisons in Akaba and the endless desert of the Rúm. She examined legal documents and newspaper archives, looking for cases of murders from the honor between 1995 and 2014. Finally she compiled a list of 139 names. Found 139 women who were shot, strangled by an electrical cable, burned, executed by an ax, stoned, crossed or forced to drink poison-for reasons such as rape, offhorn behavior, infidelity, or for having make-up or simply came late home.

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