
I don't eat him so much

But I made one big mistake… great… Great? By chance, I fell in love with Huxley Cane. Quinn meghan
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 30059
EAN: 9788026920250
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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How did you two get acquainted?
This is a fundamental question for every couple. The answer is then usually some sweet -and -story story about how they hit the back of Amor's arrow.
In my case it was a little different (well, not quite). I walked through the luxury neighborhood of Beverly Hills and looking for someone to choose me as a bride, you know someone to jealous my fateful man who just gave me boots.
Choked around the block like some beautiful angry, muttered something about a failed business transaction and tried to twist out of it.
And at that moment we came across each other.
There was no sparking.
Nor a hint of blooming love.
But then I realized that I was stuffing potato and Guacamole for free and listening to how the guy depicts all his problems that led him to say the bold requests ... He wanted me to be his Vivian Ward, you know, from Pretty Woman - but without that scramble behavior.
We talked about housing in a villa, joint meetings with another pair, and pretending to be in love with us… and engaged. Can you imagine it?
Such insolence!
But people do crazy things when they are desperate. And I wrote despair directly. So we concluded an agreement.
But I made one big mistake… great… Great? I accidentally fell in love with Huxley Cane.

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