
Washed -out

A teenage young man decides to make a vengeance and a search for the murderer will take him to nearby Prague ... Klimek Tomáš
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231 Kč (9,63 €)
List price: 289 Kč (12,04 €)
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List Number: 29756
EAN: 9788027907847
Price excluding VAT:231,20 Kč (9,63 €)
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When Prokop finds a corpse of his older sister with traces of violence, life in wets, a small fishing village, suddenly turns upside down. A teenage young man decides to make a vengeance and a search for the murderer will take him to nearby Prague, which is at the end of the reign of Charles IV. The busy and expanding city full of unprecedented buildings, but also dark, harsh corners. The events take the gradient when a peculiar St. George's canon Štěpán arrives in Mokropes, authorized to investigate the murder…

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