
Vladimir Benes - my ways to the depths of the brain

Author: Beneš Vladimír, Moravec Martin Format: 153x215mmmpí pages: 312 Vazba: Fixed producers: Moravec Martinroc.
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 17776
EAN: 9788027064649
Manufacturer:Moravec Martin
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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Author: Beneš Vladimir, Moravec Martin
Format: 153x215mm
Number of pages: 312
Binding: Fixed
Manufacturer: Moravec Martin
Year of release: 2019

sincere confession of our most famous neurosurgeon. About life, death, hope and miracle of modern medicine. What do we know about the brain? And what will we never know about him? Why does the brain not hurt as the only organ? Can we prevent severe illnesses such as Parkinson, Alzheimer, Stroke or Brain Tumors? Is the hard truth or merciful lie to be served by severely ill people? And should one get the opportunity to decide that he no longer wants to live? A book interview with a doctor who has performed over eight thousand operations and is one of the best in the world. It is direct and sometimes provocative. At the same time, he is not afraid to admit that the surgeon is often afraid. Millimeters decide on life and death in brain surgery. “Fear is present at the surgeon's whole procedure. Must be. If I didn't have it, something was wrong, as if the artist said he had no stage fright. The surgeon without fear is usually more dangerous for the patient than his own disease. Fear, fear, respect, everyone can call it differently. If you don't have these feelings, you hurt, because suddenly there is nothing to stop you. With exaggeration, I say that you will teach the monkey to operate, but not to operate anymore. Fear is a brake that forces a person to do the procedure safely. And when you finish, the reward comes. Relief. Joy. Pride. No fatigue. When I do, I feel the same as Jirka Labus ends with the premiere, the curtain falls and people applaud. Or like when he scores a goal. The only difference is that in the Czech Republic it is unfortunately without applause. ”Beneš tells engagingly about patients, doctors, brain itself, medical ethics, faith, euthanasia, remorse, joy, medical series, bribes in healthcare, studies under the last regime , but also about how to hunt beetles with a friend Oldřich Kaiser today.

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