
Virgule and pendulum

Working with the pendulum and the virgulation is based on the knowledge transmitted by the tradition, which have been confirmed by contemporary scientific knowledge. Hartmann Manfred B.
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294 Kč (12,25 €)
List price: 368 Kč (15,33 €)
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List Number: 30089
EAN: 9788073360115
Price excluding VAT:294,40 Kč (12,27 €)
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work with the pendulum and the virgulation is based on the knowledge transmitted by the tradition, which have been confirmed by contemporary scientific knowledge. Both healing aids are an effective tool for detecting harmful fields caused by, for example, electrosmog or earth radiation. Few probably did not hear about the seemingly miraculous heals that occurred because the dowder found a water vein under the bed and recommended moving the bed to an area where there was no radiation. However, the dormitory art has little to do with magic, because it is based primarily on solid long -term experience.
With the help of a German author, which has extensive knowledge of pipeline disciplines, especially in the field of medical work with alternative healing methods, you can gradually acquire this remarkable knowledge by a thorough introduction to the issue and above all a carefully structured practical part that focuses on adopting the ability to perceive radiation . It is a continuation of the successful manual "pendulum - a practical book", which in a short time became the most popular manual of modern radiesta in our country.

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