
Pinot Blanc wine

Light greenish to greenish-yellow color, flowery aroma and balanced taste
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74 Kč (3,11 €)
List price: 99 Kč (4,16 €)
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List Number: P0486
EAN: 8594021271225
Manufacturer:Zámecké sklepy Strážnice
Price excluding VAT:61,37 Kč (2,58 €)
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A very high-quality variety originally from France, which has been cultivated in our country since the 14th century under the name Burgundy white. It is a full and round wine, which means that its composition is in perfect harmony. Its light greenish to greenish-yellow color, flowery aroma and balanced taste create its unmistakable character. It is served with veal, chicken, cheese, roasted liver, stews, sauces, sausages, game and mildly spicy dishes. Serve at a temperature of 10-12°C.

Not for sale to persons under 18.

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