
Vineyard in Provence

Ava necessarily needs change. Change from work that does not fulfill it, and from life with the mountain of debt that her husband hung on her neck before ... Kelly Ruth
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 30335
EAN: 9788076252523
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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AVA necessarily needs change. A change from work that does not fulfill it, and from life with the mountain of debt that her husband hung on her neck before moving away from her family. When her grandfather dies, Avaly begins to grow over her head. In addition, she learns from the letter that she inherited the vineyard of Château Saint-Clair in Provence.
Ava does not hesitate and goes to France, where she spent every summer. Fresh coffee and croissants for breakfast, a glass of rosé in the company of a handsome waiter Jacquesa… Finally, she finally feels at home. Even so much that she doesn't even want to return to her English home.
It would really be so bad to give up the failing marriage and try to save the dilapidated vineyard that she had already loved in her childhood?

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