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Fenka Yorkshire Pickles spent the first five years of life at an illegal breeding stationJulie Tottman
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207 Kč (8,63 €)
List price: 259 Kč (10,79 €)
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List Number: 25517
EAN: 9788024945408
Price excluding VAT:207,20 Kč (8,63 €)
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Benchshir Pickles spent the first five years of life at an illegal breeding station, and then a happy coincidence brought her together with the author of the book, who is a trainer of film animals and also participated in the filming of 101 Dalmatins or Harry Potter. Just as she met Pickles, she was looking for a dog heroine for a new movie. And so the cute dog, rescued from the breeder in Western Britain, eventually becomes a film star.

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