
Vanitas 3: Red as Fire

The grand finale of a florist with a dark past. Her pursuers tracked her down in Vienna... Ursula of Poznań
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299 Kč (12,56 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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List Number: 30227
EAN: 9788024286051
Price excluding VAT:299,25 Kč (12,57 €)
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The grand finale of a florist with a dark past. Her pursuers tracked her down in Vienna. Austrian police are looking for Carolin in connection with a murder case. She is on the run all alone. He goes to Frankfurt, the headquarters of his enemies, to the lion's den. It is the most dangerous and least likely place for her to be. But also the only refuge where he sees a chance to put an end to his nightmare.

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