
In the country of invisible women - the journey of a doctor after the Saudi kingdom

Ahmedová Qanta A.
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,46 €)
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List Number: 01300
EAN: 9788073876876
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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decisions that will change your whole life are often the most impulsive.
When Qanta Ahmed, a young British Muslim doctor, refused to give a visa for further stay in the United States, she became an exile on the road. On the basis of the offer she had unexpectedly, she decided to accept work in Saudi Arabia. She was offered not only a new job, but also the chance to experience an adventure in an exotic country that she thought she would fit into her as a Muslim woman and easily understand the life there.
But the reality was completely different. The Saudi Kingdom is a closed special world, a country of unimaginable contrasts. The author met with rejection and contempt in places where she expected a friendly acceptance, but also found humor, sincerity, devotion and love.
For Qanta Ahmed, Saudi Arabia is primarily a country of new possibilities. Here she discovered what it means internally and find new self in the land of invisible women.

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