
I'm not a girl on the run anymore

You know Markéta thirteen -year -old from the previous book A girl on the run.Barbora Robošová
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223 Kč (9,29 €)
List price: 279 Kč (11,63 €)
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List Number: 25028
EAN: 9788074333200
Price excluding VAT:223,20 Kč (9,30 €)
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Thirteen -year -old blue -eyed Markéta knows from the previous book Girl on the Run. Until recently, she was the biggest outsider at school and at home, but then everything changed. Suddenly he has a chance to start a different life in another city, but… Grandmother in Prague is all so different from home! New school, new classmates, different city and other households. And on the secret of her departure to Prague, which she is trying to hide in the new class, sadness around home, mom and siblings ... Markéta, despite the not exactly the best start, find friends in the new environment and settle relationships with mom And I don't own my father? He finds it with his furious nature of courage and ceases to be a "girl on the run"?

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