

Imogen and Beck, two sisters who have nothing to do at all ... Zoji
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319 Kč (13,29 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,63 €)
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List Number: 28100
EAN: 9788027703913
Manufacturer: Fobos
Price excluding VAT:319,20 Kč (13,30 €)
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Imogen and Beck, two sisters who have nothing to do at all, and Tilda, their high school friend. The once inseparable trio, whose paths have broken over the course of two decades. However, after the immogen survives traumatic assault, Beck will come with a suggestion that they will take an expedition to the wilderness, which will connect them again. A week in remote nature is exactly what they need.

With increasingly demanding terrain, however, it rises to the surface and tension of their common past. And when they start to lose their supplies, they turn out that they do not only follow old secrets. Friendship and efforts to survive clash with the unspeakable evil, which makes the escape to freedom makes another engaging thriller from the ever -improving champion of tension and "rising stars of literary horror".

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