
Three lives

Alix St. Pierre grew surrounded by the shine of Hollywood. As an orphan, however, she watched him only from a distance .... Lester
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375 Kč (15,63 €)
List price: 469 Kč (19,54 €)
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List Number: 30568
EAN: 9788076252615
Price excluding VAT:375,20 Kč (15,63 €)
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Alix St. Pierre grew surrounded by the shine of Hollywood. As an orphan, however, she watched him only from a distance. While in 1943 the world war rages and men are saving overseas, Alix manages to get a job in marketing. Thanks to her charism and rapid reasoning, however, it will soon attract the attention of the American government, which will put it before an even greater challenge - to go to Switzerland as a spy. Alix will not refuse and soon comes to the trail of something big. Really big. But can he really believe his informant?
After the end of the long -lasting war, Alix moves to Paris, ready to take a new position in the press department in the just starting fashion house Christian Dior. In opulent spaces, the new luxury brand can almost forget everything she has lost, as well as the dangerous secrets that only she knows. But when a man appears on the scene from her past and threatens to destroy her future, she realizes that ancient injustices can only be corrected by herself.

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