
Three chapters

If the first prosaic text of the poet Daniel Hradecký was called the ruins of one diary, his new prose could boldly follow the subtitle of the debris of one novel.Daniel Hradecký
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183 Kč (7,63 €)
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List Number: 23193
EAN: 9788024269405
Manufacturer: Listen
Price excluding VAT:183,20 Kč (7,63 €)
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If the first prosaic text of the poet Daniel Hradecký called the ruins of one diary, his new prose could boldly follow the subtitle of the ruins of one novel. The trio of linguistically polished, shorter prose is fulfilled by the testimony of an individual with an existence on the edge, not only social exclusion, but also the ontological abyss. What is the narrator's world more closely by circumstances, the wider shot his mind has in a hard ironic analysis of the outside world. Alcohol, family pathologies, northern Bohemia, but also adamant will - these are parts of a telescope aimed at the cold darkness of the Universe.

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