

Jade Roberts's young lawyer left the groom on the wedding day. Humiliation burns her, so she seeks comfort at the Colorado ranch of her best friend Marjorie Steel. Hardt Helen
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 23014
EAN: 9788076425873
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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Young lawyer Jade Roberts left the groom on the wedding day. Humiliation burns her, so she seeks comfort at the Colorado ranch of her best friend Marjorie Steel. She does not expect Marjori's silent, dull brother Talon. As soon as the beautiful cowboy kisses her, the jade is lost… Talon Steel is a broken, deeply wounded man. He has never fully recovered from the consequences of terrible torment and torture that he was exposed to in his childhood, so he lives only from day to day and takes from women who offer him. In return, they don't return anything. But only until he bursts into his life. She is beautiful, nice and generous, and his desire for her turns into an obsession - when Talon begins to worry that he can never extinguish such a strong desire. Between the two lovers burns a burning passion… But Talona and Jade are chasing long buried secrets and it is possible that they will eventually divide them.

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