
Game: paw patrol 2in1 / man not angry and snakes and ladders

Man, don't be angry and snakes and ladders with the motif of the paw patrol - figures of the figure in the starting house.
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363 Kč (15,13 €)
List price: 519 Kč (21,63 €)
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List Number: 23958
EAN: 5900511018967
Price excluding VAT:300,25 Kč (12,51 €)
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Man, don't be angry and snakes and ladders with the motif of the paw patrol - figures of the figure in the starting house. Wait until you throw a six on a cube and you can go. Your task is to get all your figures up to the destination. Be careful not to throw you back to the start on the way. Thanks to the other side of the playing plan you can also play a fun family game Snakes and ladders with favorite dog heroes.

Suitable for children from 4 years.

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