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Can it a guide to reveal a criminal to become a lie? Christie Agatha
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287 Kč (11,96 €)
List price: 359 Kč (14,96 €)
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List Number: 29862
EAN: 9788024286846
Price excluding VAT:287,20 Kč (11,97 €)
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Can a leash to reveal a criminal become a lie? Rich and sick Laura Welman suddenly died. Her property seems to be inherited by the charming niece Elinor. But her aunt really didn't want to refer her fortune to someone else? Other deaths will cause other doubts and Elinor is eventually charged with murder. Only one person does not believe that she commit it, and calls Hercula Poirot. But instead of finding the truth, he begins to ask surprising questions: What causes people lying? What can be derived from their lies? Why are they lying and innocent? As soon as he knows the answers, he uncompromisingly reveals the murderer.

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