
So here are the promised recipes for zucchini, Mrs. Eh

As actress Jana Štěpánková says, she once decided to do something for humanity ...Jana Štěpánková
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232 Kč (9,67 €)
List price: 290 Kč (12,08 €)
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List Number: 24407
EAN: 9788073222307
Price excluding VAT:232,00 Kč (9,67 €)
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As the actress Jana Štěpánková says, she once decided to do something for humanity, and when she found out what the zucchini were, what a wonderfully fertile power, how unlimited the possibilities of their use in the kitchen and how almost no one She does not know, at the earliest opportunity she published her knowledge on the screen. After some time after the memorable broadcast, she began to receive letters. Were nice. Which, but sounded such a strange desperate overtone. Their writers and writers were different, but they all had one thing in common: the zucchini gave birth and gave birth to them, and they didn't know what to do with the crop. So they gave them away and distributed them. But the others also had no idea what to do with that. And the author again obsessed the desire to do something for mankind and in Litoměřice in the garden of Bohemia publicly promised to help that well, when I have caused the disaster, it will help and write a zucchini cook. Well dear viewers and readers, here you have it.

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