
Secret Operations of World War II

The book brings the share of secret services of individual powers in the development of World War II.
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6,63 €
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List Number: 05295
EAN: 9788072436422
Price excluding VAT:6,63 €
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Author: Jesús Hernández
Format: 145x209mm
Number of pages: 344
Binding: paperback
Manufacturer: Gate

The book brings the share of secret services of individual powers in the development of World War II. It focuses on the mostly unknown fate of individuals who participated in secret events and often died. It represents secret operations, without whose knowledge it is not possible to understand the development of the whole war conflict. In his book, the author tells of assaults, assassinations, kidnapping and risky spy missions. For example, he discusses, for example, the assault of Hitler's fortress in December 1941, an effort to track down the secret Hitler's weapon, the background of the assassination of Heydrich, Himmler's plan to murder Stalin, an Italian attempt to destroy the British naval base in Alexandria through suicidal volunteers, the work of American spy services to decipher Japanese military ciphers. Many other interesting events. Some missions are generally known, on the contrary, the secrets of others have not been fully revealed to this day. However, they all bring testimonies of exceptional courage and dedication as a legacy valid today.

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