
Secret wife

Imprisoned. Dead in the eyes of the world. Can Rosen survive her husband's cruel game?Steve Robinson
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79 Kč (3,29 €)
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List Number: 25919
EAN: 9788075883155
Manufacturer:Mystery Press
Price excluding VAT:79,20 Kč (3,30 €)
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imprisoned. Dead in the eyes of the world. Can Rosen survive her husband's cruel game? Rosen Trevelyan reportedly died in the fire of her country head of Crows-An-Wra in the remote part of the western Cornwall. But she didn't die. Rosen wakes up in an unknown locked room and doesn't understand why her husband Richard did something like that. What about their daughter Sophie? She really burned, how do others claim her? With the arrival of a mysterious foreigner at the Rosen estate, she finally understands why Richard imprisoned her, and she realizes that her husband would need to get rid of her as soon as possible. But could this anniversary Rosen's death be her salvation at the same time? Rosen has no choice but to suffer the cruel treatment of his husband and his hateful mother Mariah in the hope of one day to re -find himself with her daughter. But she is running out of time. Can an unknown woman reveal the truth before it is too late for both?

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