
The Other Belle - Whitney G.

I'm giving you one last chance to tell me that you belong to me…” I refused to say these words to the man who kidnapped me in the middle of the night.
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224 Kč (9,41 €)
List price: 299 Kč (12,56 €)
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List Number: 32399
EAN: 9788026922483
Price excluding VAT:224,25 Kč (9,42 €)
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I'm giving you one last chance to tell me that you belong to me…”

I refused to say these words to the man who kidnapped me in the middle of the night and forced me to embark on a never-ending journey through the forest. While he desperately tries to break the curse that has affected not only him but the entire kingdom, I am determined to escape and return home. I'm not THE woman he wants anyway…

That woman is my sister, a beautiful, book-loving girl who wants more from life and believes that all she needs to be happy is a prince. Of course, he has no idea that she is not at all what he imagines. Trying to deny our mutual attraction, I can only endure more punishments - and eventually I will be forced to submit to his desires... But until then, I will resist getting close to a person like him, a true villain destined for hell itself...< /p>

He will never have me, the other Belle…

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