
Seduce me!

Rhys' powerful clients pay absurd sums to watch the performers indulge their desires at his club. His only rule?... Kennedy Stacey
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217 Kč (9,12 €)
List price: 289 Kč (12,14 €)
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List Number: 30213
EAN: 9788076252561
Price excluding VAT:216,75 Kč (9,11 €)
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Zoey Parker devised a plan of revenge in three steps:
He gains entry to the very exclusive Phoenix erotic club.
She lives out her wildest fantasies right in front of her old enemies and proves to them that they haven't broken her.
They disappear and never come back.
The only snag in her plan? Rhys Harrington, owner of the Phoenix and a man she should keep her distance from…

Rhys' powerful clients pay absurd sums to watch the performers indulge their desires at his club. His only rule? You may look but not touch. But one look at Zoey is all it takes for Rhys to know that his codex is shaking at its foundations. As a burning passion ignites between them, Rhys realizes he wants more. But Zoey is determined to disappear at any cost… and he is determined to find out why.

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