
Silver moon

False coins do not bring wealth, but death… Nečas Ondřej S.
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271 Kč (11,29 €)
List price: 339 Kč (14,13 €)
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List Number: 29723
EAN: 9788075884091
Price excluding VAT:271,20 Kč (11,30 €)
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false coins do not bring wealth but death…

Matyáš Corvin, King of Hungary and Czech, is on the verge of death and the Czech Kingdom is to be reunited soon under one ruler. At the same time, a counterfeiter appears in Brno, which can create false silver coins of unprecedented qualities - but they do not bring wealth but death.

At least that is what the frightened burgrave Oldřich Polzmacher, who can summon the knight Mojmir Mráz from the scepters, the agent of the Moravian Provincial Court. The next events will soon give him the truth: any other coin that is found shows a new murder.

Mojmír Mráz and his helpers gradually find that the whole case will be far more intricate than it initially seemed. The murderer who considers himself the embodiment of the Sun leaving hints and traces as if he wanted to bring his persecutors to reveal another, much more scary crime…

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