
Death before dawn

In the 1964 idyllic idyllic in Alabama. McCammon Robert R.
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 30038
EAN: 9788027704521
Manufacturer: Fobos
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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In the idyllic Zephyr in Alabama the year 1964. People either work for a paper mill by the Tecumseh River or for the local dairy. It is a simple life, but it stimulates the impressive imagination of the twelve -year -old start -up writer Cory Mackenson. He is sure he felt ghosts whispering in the cemetery. He heard of strange smugglers who lurk in the dark outside the city. He saw a snake flood on the main street. Cory is as enthusiastic about all this as a little boy can.

When one morning he accompanies his father in the delivery of milk, he sees a car down the road and slowly sinks into a bottomless Lake Saxon. His father jumps into the icy water to save the driver, finding a beaten corpse, naked and strapped to the steering wheel - with a copper wire tightened around his neck. Over time, the inhabitants of the city seem to have completely forgotten for an unresolved murder. But Cory and his father can't.

Their search for truth is the way to the world where innocence and evil meet. What lies before them is fear and fear, magic and madness, fantasy and reality…

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