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Death flies faster or my life pilot

I write this book for the youth that comes after us, for she will once be a judge of our actions. Ernst udet
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162 Kč (6,75 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,38 €)
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List Number: V054
EAN: 9788087624104
Manufacturer:AOS Publishing
Price excluding VAT:161,85 Kč (6,74 €)
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I write this book for the youth that comes after us, for she will once be a judge of our actions. I donate it to my dead species, for they made all of us the most. And when I connect with this book a goal, then it is this: I would like to show that each of us has been given in our own hands, whether we want to be shoppers or soldiers, whether we want to use life or not to ignore personal happiness before the idea, which brings us into the eternal stream of history with a small boat of our being. Ernst Udet "General-Flyman, Generaloberst Ernst Udet succumbed on 17 November 1941 the consequences of a serious injury that he suffered in rehearsing a new weapon. This ended the battle life that knew only one goal-Germany's reinforcement. Richthofen's most successful fighter of the World War II, the Air Air Force of his shining role model, the German air weapon of a bold and purposeful pioneer. His glory is immortal. Therefore, I fulfilled the will of the leader and supreme commander of the military power today. Squadron ". Thus, a monument of one of our greatest men's weapon will be immortalized for all times." Hermann Göring, the Reich Marshal of the Great German Empire and the Chief of the Air Force

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