
Selfie with an angel

Leblov's poetry is a poetry of sound, poetry juggling with tones, with timbre, poetry of verses delighted on the upcoming rhyme or asonance…. Lebl Zdeněk
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288 Kč (12,00 €)
List price: 360 Kč (15,00 €)
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List Number: 30237
EAN: 9788088422389
Price excluding VAT:288,00 Kč (12,00 €)
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Leblov's poetry is a poetry of sound, poetry juggling with tones, timbre, poetry of verses delighted to the upcoming rhyme or asonance…
The ability to develop an impulse or feeling into the sound fireworks leaves a welcome space to formulate the feelings of a person who looks at life and the world from above, with the appropriate dose of distance, skepticism and irony. But it is not a verse of a bitter old man. We are still in the world of sound and imagination, but where balance is ruled. The words continue to rush to other sound effects, but bear meaning, hold shape and theme and explore the dark depths. Instead of juggling with words, there are poetic feelings and attitudes that have a bitter balance, nostalgia and depth.
Longs ago, Zdeněk Lebl ripped all the conference. With his gift of intrepid improvisation, which convinces with speech force that everything is as he tells them, he organized in the late normalization gray meeting of several
Dozens of poets who managed to create a Dionýský carnival for two days, in which the nonsensical became meaningful (and sometimes vice versa). And his improvised recitation was the main nail for all days. Since then, his voice also sounds to me from poems that have only a paper form. However, I believe that the poems contained in this volume and which they have not written only in recent years have been able to speak to those who do not remember this voice, but will sense it from the letters, verses and shapes of individual poems.

From the afterlife of Petr A. Bílek

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