
Dresses from around the world CHRISTMAS ─ Sticker book

Celebrate Christmas with dolls from around the world! Take them to a parade of beautifully lit boats in Panama, traditional Christmas markets in Germany, or perhaps decorate a gingerbread house - you have over 300 amazing stickers!
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187 Kč (7,86 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,46 €)
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List Number: 31972
EAN: 9788076771789
Price excluding VAT:186,75 Kč (7,85 €)
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Discover how Christmas is celebrated in different corners of the world! Celebrate with dolls around the globe. Accompany them to a parade of beautifully lit boats in Panama, to traditional Christmas markets in Germany or visit Santa Claus' house. Thanks to this new addition to the series, which is one of our best sellers, young readers will get to know, in the simplest and at the same time playful way, how Christmas is celebrated outside our borders, learn about foreign customs, fashion and many interesting places. Attractive pictures can be supplemented with more than 300 amazing stickers!

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