

The book masterfully depicts the image of the rise of one of the most famous banker families and the fate of its Austrian branch. Sandgruber Roman
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18,30 €
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List Number: 29639
EAN: 9788024283074
Price excluding VAT:18,30 €
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The book masterfully portrays the image of the rise of one of the most famous banker families and the fate of its Austrian branch. It describes shops, transactions, scandals and dramas and revoke the story of incredible success, as well as a steep fall. Salomon Mayer Rothschild developed into a top Austrian banker in the mid -19th century, his son Anselm founded a bank, the grandson Albert paid for the richest European. The Rothschilds became free masters and barons, financed states, wars, factories and railways, and they were patrons and collectors. Their wealth has become a legend and reflected in the saying "Be rich like Rothschild."

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