
Family skein

In each family it boils and gurgling ... love, but also situations that brings life itself. The family is like klubko.Autor: Tanya Keleová-Vasilková
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249 Kč (10,38 €)
List price: 329 Kč (13,70 €)
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List Number: 21950
EAN: 9788081115714
Price excluding VAT:226,64 Kč (9,44 €)
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In each family it boils and gurgling ... love, but also situations that brings life itself. The family is like a ball. Skein tied the love that grows with the passing years, common, they experienced the events that hides a little bigger mystery, pain and losses. This also applies to the family of Sarah and the government. Their nest is great, because they have four children and they still something going on. But what if the ball disturbs? What then?

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