
Roman cavalry

Drbohlav Jan
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287 Kč (11,96 €)
List price: 359 Kč (14,96 €)
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List Number: 31962
EAN: 9788024294124
Price excluding VAT:287,20 Kč (11,97 €)
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King Charles IV. he wants to change the world, but for that he needs the crown of the Roman emperor. However, the struggle for power is not only fought with the sword, and a capable monarch must also be able to fight on the diplomatic field. However, it is not easy in a world full of intrigue; the disgraced Wittelsbachs are also fighting for the government, and Pope Innocent is also trying his best to prevent Karl's coronation. Karl's deliberate course of action may lead to the set goal, but at the same time it may cause a split in his own ranks...
The story of Charles's Roman expedition is not only a historical novel, but also a highly political thriller set in the middle of the 14th century.

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