
Vojtěcha sister's recipes - Vojtěcha Fialová

The best of non-poumec cuisine
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187 Kč (7,86 €)
List price: 249 Kč (10,46 €)
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List Number: 32672
EAN: 9788075664563
Price excluding VAT:186,75 Kč (7,85 €)
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Sister Vojtěcha Fialová from Borom shares the secrets of Italian and Czech cuisine with us on the pages of her cookbook. Honestly, and at the same time without exaggerated claims, it helps seasoned and less experienced cooks to cook honest meals. As she herself writes, "it's not just recipes, it's also the story of the Nepomucen kitchen, where I've been cooking for more than twenty years. Everything standing here was cooked in the dormitory."

The cookbook contains recipes for tasty appetizers and vegetable soups, seven recipes for Italian pasta and three for Italian risotto. We will discover the magic of lasagna and selected Italian chicken preparations. We will get to know the variety and simplicity of cold sauces, as well as cooked vegetables. And what would Italian cuisine be without pizza, focaccia, pannacotta, tiramisu or delicious Italian drinks? But so that there is not too much Italian cuisine, we also find several recipes for classic Czech dishes, for popular pastries and bread. Sister Vojtěcha brought many recipes from home.

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