

The contemporary world is sometimes quite a complicated place in which we are not always easy to navigate ........... Al-Khalili
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 30075
EAN: 9788027605682
Manufacturer: Slovart
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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The contemporary world is sometimes quite a complicated place in which we are not always easy to navigate. The quantum physicist and the successful science popularizer Jim al-Khalili offers eight reflections in his new book on how to adopt the (at least a little) scientific method of getting to know the world for every person. The way of thinking that scientists has improved for centuries has brought humanity unquestionable achievements - it is enough to look at our modern technologies, achievements of medical science and other results of scientific work. The basic principles that are governed by scientific reasoning are universal and can be leaned by anyone who wants to be objective and not lost in the pitfalls of life in the 21st century. So let's think about what the truth means, why it is important to doubt what the advantages and disadvantages of simplification, why we like conspiracy theories, how the human brain works, what to do with our own prejudices, why rely on our claims on evidence each of can learn to think as a scientist!

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