
First Holy Communion - Jaroslav Studený

Catechetical aid for preparing children for the first sacrament of reconciliation and first Holy Communion. The handbook with simple color drawings was published with the approval of the Church.
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63 Kč (2,63 €)
List price: 79 Kč (3,29 €)
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List Number: 32675
EAN: 9788072663576
Price excluding VAT:63,20 Kč (2,63 €)
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Mons. doc. Ph.Dr. Jaroslav Studený is the author of many books dedicated to faith and fellow human beings. He is a former political prisoner. In 1972, his state approval was revoked and in November of the same year he was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison for spreading religious literature. In the years after 1990, he built, renovated and modified countless churches and chapels, chapels and crosses. At the beginning of August 2006, he retired, which he lived in Cholina. Provided with the sacraments, he died on Thursday, June 5, 2008, in a hospital in Šternberk.

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