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Onex extension cable 10m, 3x 2.5mm2, 16 A (3,680 W)

Chloroprene rubber cable for moderate mechanical load, resistant to oil, hot, cold, damp and wet environments. High-quality and safe design of the extension lead.
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7,63 €
List price: 9,54 €
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List Number: P2405
EAN: 5903919591742
Price excluding VAT:6,31 €
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Extension cable consisting of copper wires with a rubberized jacket. Extension cord wires, unlike installation wire, consist of a series of thin copper wires, which makes them flexible and easy to bend. Chloroprene rubber cable for moderate mechanical load, resistant to oil, hot, cold, damp and wet environments. High-quality and safe design of the extension lead. The extension cable is equipped with a protective earth and has a striking orange color to prevent accidental cutting of the cable or tripping.


Length: 10 meters

Number of sockets: 1

E / F type fork and E type socket

Wire cross-section: 2.5 mm2

Max. current load: 16 A (3680 W) at full deployment

Voltage: 230 V AC

Wire insulation from flexible plastic

Curved fork for easier connection in tight spaces

Drawer with child protection caps

Use in the temperature range -35 °C to +60 °C.

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