
Acceptance of anxiety - how to access this important emotion

A detailed guide to deal with anxiety - not as a misery, but as a basic source of anticipation .... McLaren Karla
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399 Kč (16,63 €)
List price: 499 Kč (20,79 €)
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List Number: 29152
EAN: 9788081116056
Price excluding VAT:399,20 Kč (16,63 €)
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A detailed guide to cope with anxiety - not as a misery, but as a basic source of predictability, intuition and energy to complete your tasks and projects.

If you are struggling with anxiety, you probably mean the only thing - how to remove it. But what if this demanding emotion actually tried to help you?

"When we ignore or suppress our anxiety," says Karla McLaren, "she can overwhelm us. However, if we learn to accept it with skill, we can access its remarkable gifts. ”

Wisely involved anxiety is your ally in performing tasks - helps you concentrate, plan, act and meet goals.

In the book, you will look in detail on the following topics:
- Principles and procedures to make friends with anxiety at all levels of its intensity (before it overwhelms you),
- Strategy to work with anxiety as a source of predictability, conscience and motivation,
- Why fear, confusion and panic are not the same as anxiety and tools to work with them effectively,
- How anxiety blends with anger, depression and other emotions and how to clarify these compound states,
- Using the author's practice of conscious asking questions of anxiety in working with her and gaining her knowledge,
- How to approach procrastination and do things correctly.

"When you identify anxiety, listen to it and deal with it with it, you will support its purpose," writes Karla McLaren, "and allow her to naturally retreat until it is needed."

With a book of acceptance of anxiety you will learn how to get this strong emotion to your side.

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