
The arrival of the Danes

When the dispute between the two brothers puts the ground into war… Peters Ellis
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279 Kč (11,63 €)
List price: 349 Kč (14,54 €)
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List Number: 29040
EAN: 9788075884022
Price excluding VAT:279,20 Kč (11,63 €)
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When the dispute between the two brothers puts the ground into war…

In the spring of 1144 there is a temporary calm in England, but a fragile ceasefire between the Empress Matilda and King Štěpán is far from the hope of permanent peace.

Brother Cadfael also considers this short rest from the protracted war as a blessing. However, as a former soldier, he will never refuse a little excitement, and when he has the opportunity to accompany his brother Mark on a diplomatic mission to his native Wales, he will be happy to accept it.

However, none of the monks know that Wales is tossed by a bloody family dispute. Prince Owain recently repuded his brother Cadwaladra, who was accused of insidious murder, whereupon the reckless Cadwaladr hired the army of Danish mercenaries with whom he intends to invade Wales.

Cadfael finds herself in Danish captivity and in the heart of the impending civil war. He has a difficult task in front of him: to settle the split between the brothers before you just throw the whole country into the chaos.

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