
Premature deaths enrolled in history

They were famous and extremely successful in their fields. But they are still connected by something - the dark moment of death: they died prematurely ...
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159 Kč (6,63 €)
List price: 199 Kč (8,29 €)
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List Number: 05473
EAN: 9788088207009
Manufacturer:Empresa media
Price excluding VAT:159,20 Kč (6,63 €)
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Author: Tomáš Čechtický
Format: 170x240mm
Number of pages: 176
Binding: Fixed

were famous and extremely successful in their fields. However, they are still connected by something - the dark moment of death: they died prematurely, under dramatic and often unclear circumstances, often by their own will. The fate of the heroes of various historical era and the areas of human activity into the twenty -five engaging stories was elaborated by an experienced journalist Tomáš Čechtický. In his readable selection he offers original insights and novel views of entrepreneurs Tomáš Baťa, Polar Václav Vojtěch, actor Tomáš Holý, figure skater Hana Mašková, poet František Gellner or the famous intrigue of Albrecht Wallenstein. The publication will entertain and instruct readers of all ages.

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