
The truth and lies

Get to know Amy Winter: Detective inspector and daughter of serial murderers. Caroline Mitchell
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287 Kč (11,96 €)
List price: 359 Kč (14,96 €)
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List Number: 21402
EAN: 9788024942322
Manufacturer:Presco Group
Price excluding VAT:287,20 Kč (11,97 €)
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Get to know Amy Winter: Detective inspector and daughter of serial murderers. Detective Inspector Amy Winter hopes to go in the footsteps of her father - a highly recognized police officer. But when she receives a letter from Prison Cel from Lillian Grimes - one half of the notorious couple of serial murderers - she learns something that turns her life upside down. Lillian, who is responsible for dozens of murders that took place decades ago, is a devil. Psychopathic murderer. And amya's biological mother. Now she is finally willing to reveal places where she hid three of her victims - but only on condition that Amy approaches her game. While her colleagues are frantically looking for a girl who disappeared from her mother's house, Amy has to face her own dark past. She is haunted by the vague memories of the sister who sacrificed herself to save her. Amy seduces the race with time to find missing bodies. But what if Grimes pulls more from the bars than Amy thinks? And can beat his demons and prevent further murder

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