
Last century horses - the history of one separation

The horse has been walking alongside a man since time immemorial.Ulrich Raulff
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558 Kč (23,25 €)
List price: 698 Kč (29,08 €)
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List Number: 25927
EAN: 9788076700437
Manufacturer: Kazda Václav
Price excluding VAT:558,40 Kč (23,27 €)
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The horse has been walking alongside a man since time immemorial. It was not possible without agriculture, connecting cities and countries, deciding wars. But then the Centaur pact disintegrated and in just a century the horse disappeared from history, which has been an inherent part for millennia. Exodus horses from human history is a process that surprisingly has happened almost unnoticed. The whole libraries dealing with the history of the 19th and 20th centuries are silent about horse, although it was ubiquitous in both Europe and America. With the advent of Napoleon, the last century of horses began, which then fades with the First World War. In his book, Ulrich Raulff plays all the registers of cultural and literary history, and with an admirable narrative art describes a world that has reached its end. Ulrich Raulff tells the story of farewell, the story of man and horse breakup.

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