
After the shores of the Orlické dam

Go together with the researcher and writer Vladimír Šiška to the region around the Orlické dam.
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239 Kč (9,96 €)
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List Number: 25665
EAN: 9788087866580
Price excluding VAT:239,20 Kč (9,97 €)
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Go together with the researcher and writer Vladimír Šiška to the region around the Orlické dam. He was once intersected by a deep valley with a wild Vltava and jagged rocks. Today there is a lake of 68 kilometers long. The surrounding area offers a lot of various natural beauties, interesting history and landmarks for the long past. We will remember how the dam was built with the highest dam in our country and how they were built and demolished bridges over the Vltava valley, we will learn which monuments were lucky and managed to save them. In the region we find a lot of former fortresses, castles and mansion. What was their fate and how much legends do they relate to them? We will also meet much older remarkableness: above the Vltava valley there was once a large guard hillfort from ancient Celts and Slavs. What did she look like at the time of the greatest glory? We cannot omit even the two most famous monuments with a rich and mysterious history: Orlík Castle and Zvíkov Castle. Both buildings, originally castles on the high rocks above the river, are now reflected on the water surface. At every step we encounter protected areas where unaffected nature hides its gems in the form of rare animals, especially birds and protected plants. As we climb the poppy mountain above the Orlická dam, we will stop for a moment, when a mystical church will appear in front of us on the top of the hill in the middle of the forests, which is probably not just by chance. It is a pity that many such quiet, beautiful to magical places are rapidly decreasing under the onslaught of the tourist industry.

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