

Horses differ not only in the body structure, height and color of the hair, but also by its character.Silke Behling
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271 Kč (11,29 €)
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List Number: 25435
EAN: 9788024276083
Price excluding VAT:271,20 Kč (11,30 €)
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horses differ not only in the body structure, height and color of the hair, but also by its character. Generally, it is divided into thoroughbred, warm -blooded and cold -blooded, and under these groups it is possible to create subgroups according to what they fit and what they have, whether they are, for example, by the incidental, western horses, Baroque horses or ponies. The publication contains detailed profiles of individual breeds, reports basic data on their origin, color and size, closer their character and the most prominent features and there are also interest from history.

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