
Member - Red Little Red Riding Hood

The memory game will perform children with a well -known fairy tale.
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55 Kč (2,29 €)
List price: 69 Kč (2,87 €)
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List Number: 26416
EAN: 8594068251273
Manufacturer:Studio Trnka
Price excluding VAT:45,62 Kč (1,90 €)
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Illustration Jiří Trnka

The memory game will perform children with a well -known fairy tale. Little Red Riding Hood passes through the forest, meets the wolf and visits her grandmother in the cottage behind the forest, where she eats her wolf, who had already ate her grandmother and falls asleep in bed. The hunter comes, sees a sleeping wolf, unravels his belly, and his grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood jump out. The wolf sew the stones in the stomach, and when they go to drink, it falls into the well. Go through the memory with the game and then tell the children with the children.

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