
Panorama Bible - New Testament - Binz Stephen J.

In the New Testament part of the Bible Panorama, we continue the narrative that began with the creation of the world and ends here with the restoration of all things in the new creation.
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209 CZK (8,71 €)
List price: 279 CZK (11,63 €)
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List Number: 32698
EAN: 9788075664747
Price excluding VAT:209,25 CZK (8,72 €)
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In the New Testament part of the Panorama of the Bible, we continue the narrative that began with the creation of the world and ends here with the restoration of all things in the new creation. It is essentially a single, gradually developing story of salvation: similar themes are interwoven in the Old and New Testaments, and the plot that we see in Genesis also unfolds in the life of Jesus and his church. It's amazing to see the big picture and learn to understand how the whole Bible fits together. A wide variety of books and literary genres in the New Testament continue to tell a single drama of salvation. If we learn to perceive the Bible from a panoramic point of view, we will realize that it is also our story. The better we understand the full picture and the whole narrative, the better we can incorporate the Bible into our lives.

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