

A frosty story in which everything is different than it seems. Brown Sandra
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287 Kč (12,06 €)
List price: 359 Kč (15,08 €)
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List Number: 29872
EAN: 9788024287119
Price excluding VAT:287,20 Kč (12,07 €)
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A frosty story in which everything is different than it seems. When the millionaire Paul Wheeler is murdered in a lift full of people, his beautiful lover Julie is clear about who is behind it - Wheeler's weird nephew Creighton. Lawyer Derek Mitchell will focus on him and, like Julia, does not suit him. Why is it so fascinated by film bleeding and B -horror movies? Are they on the trail of a murderer who is trying to convert the bloodiest scenes of the silver screen in reality? And who will get the main role next time? In the legendary thriller Sandry Brown there is nothing certain - not even happy end ...

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