

Chesterton's classic romantic "orthodoxy" is now a personal and universal defense of common sense ... Author: Gilbert Keith Chesterton Format: 130x200mm Number of pages: 224 Binding: paperback Manufacturer: Leda Edition Year: 2018
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119 Kč (4,96 €)
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List Number: 13455
EAN: 9788073355661
Price excluding VAT:119,20 Kč (4,97 €)
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Chesterton's classic romantic "orthodoxy" is now a personal and universal defense of common sense, the deep meaning of human existence, democracy and a noble mission of Western civilization. His entertaining and cheerful controversy with the morbid spoils of that time that has been added in a hundred years since he wrote is an active, adventurous and colorful life full of imagination. The paradox master speaks of "the need to connect intimately known to the unknown (with mystery) and look at the world so that we also feel the astonishment, gift and that we are welcome". If a person has the right mission in life, it becomes an adventure every day, everyday life and seemingly small things will grow into heavenly heights.
As a detective, Chesterton searches methodically for the cause of psychologically sustainable joy in life, which can only be based on a certain faith, just like any pessimism is based on unbelief.
The author's gigantic life energy sounds fully in the new, brief and contemporary translation.

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