
True crimes - Lucie Bechynková

Details and behind the scenes of the most famous crimes according to the successful podcast
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299 Kč (12,56 €)
List price: 399 Kč (16,76 €)
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List Number: 32396
EAN: 9788026441946
Price excluding VAT:299,25 Kč (12,57 €)
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Mysterious, elaborate, brutal, brazen... the most famous crimes in history are anything but boring. Lucie Bechynková, presenter and co-founder of the thrilling podcast True Crimes, will take you into the darkest corners of the human soul. The selection of the most interesting world crimes that have ever taken place is complemented by the insider's view of a criminalist, a prison warden and a lawyer. And one thing you can be absolutely sure of: these cases won't let you sleep.

True Crimes won the 2020 Author Podcast of the Year award in 2021.

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